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Against All Odds: A Journey of Hope and Remission from Stage 4 Lung Cancer

I'd like to share a story of hope and resilience titled "Against All Odds: A Journey of Hope and Remission from Stage 4 Lung Cancer." This story is about a gentleman from Indonesia who traveled all the way to Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur to seek treatment. He was diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung cancer, but unfortunately, he faced financial challenges that made it difficult to afford the latest cutting-edge treatments.

A PET scan confirmed the extensive nature of his cancer, with metastasis to the liver, lymph nodes, and pleura. Normally, I would have started treatment with carboplatin, etoposide, and atezolizumab, but due to his financial limitations, we proceeded with chemotherapy alone.

He handled the chemotherapy well, with minimal side effects, and flew in every three weeks for his sessions. As a token of gratitude, he gifted me a batik shirt, which I wear proudly.

After completing his chemotherapy, a follow-up PET scan showed a complete metabolic response, much to our surprise. While a complete metabolic response doesn’t mean he is cured — the cancer may eventually return — for now, his cancer is in remission.

He was elated with the news, and I hope he enjoys a long interval before any recurrence. It has been a privilege to be part of his journey.

Right: Pre chemo, Left: Post chemo
Left: Pre chemo, Right: Post chemo

Right: Pre chemo, Left: Post chemo
Left: Pre chemo, Right: Post chemo

Right: Pre chemo, Left: Post chemo
Left: Pre chemo, Right: Post chemo

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