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Almost complete response post Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for brain metastasis

Hi folks. I have been a little lazy lately after the revamp of my website and some travelling with my friends. I am back again and will try to be consistent in posting up cases in my blog.

Today I will be sharing a case of Mdm.K, who was diagnosed with cancer of the lung with metastasis to brain, liver and bone. She presented with headache and noted to have a 3.5 cm brain tumour. Her staging PET scan showed bone and liver metastasis.

I referred her to my neurosurgeon for a tumour resection. Doing radiation is another alternative but I went against it as she was already having some neurology symptoms and the tumour was big. After listening to the risk of surgery she freaked out and was dead against brain surgery. We still failed to convince her for surgery after vigorous counseling.

She opted for Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for her brain metastasis as it was safer for her in her own opinion. Sigh......I blame Dr. Google on that. Anyways we proceeded with Gamma Knife Radiosurgery. I had to deliver the radiation in a staged manner over 3 fraction to minimize edema post radiotherapy.

Brain metastasis from lung cancer pre Gamma Knife
Brain metastasis pre Gamma Knife

In my opinion the Gamma Knife Radiosurgery would shrink the tumour and her symptoms will reduces gradually over a couple of months.

She came back for a repeat MRI brain to assess her radiotherapy and behold, the tumour shrank to millimeters .......Me and my neurosurgeon were speechless. We never taught the tumour would shrink so much after 3 months.

Now Now....This scenario doesn’t apply to everyone but she was one of the few who had almost complete response after Gamma Knife for such a big lesion.

She proves us wrong and we had to buy her Starbucks every time she comes for her review as we betted on it and we lost. Anyways we couldn’t be happier to be proven wrong.

Moral of the story is in cancer anything is possible and sometimes things change for the better beyond our expectation but sometimes things change for the worst most of the times.

Brain metastasis post Gamma Knife (3 months)
Brain metastasis post Gamma Knife (3months)

Happy weekend folks.....

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